Nadesh is glad to devote a very special cherishing to Aesthetics, being inspired by the fulfillment of Ayurveda principles combined with natural techniques taken from crystals and aromatherapy.
As it is for Health concept, also Beauty has to be considered as the reflection of harmony in body, mind and soul and the balance of “Doshas” (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), the bio-energies that govern the physiological processes of our entire body.
The aesthetic treatments will consequently act on the origins of imbalance by means of a natural cosmetics made of herbs, flours, essential oils, stones and crystals, and by any means Nature offers to care for Beauty and for the creation of special Holistic Rituals.
What kind of skin are you?
Vata: Ether-Air element. Skin seams cold and dry, dehydrated, cracked, with dark circles and visible veins, early wrinkles.
Vata stones: hematite, smoky quartz, garnet, yellow topaz, mokaite, magnesite, aventurine, citrine, amber, pink quartz
Pitta: Fire-Water element. Skin seams warm and humid, soft, sensitive, light , with freckles, reddens easily and has a remarkable predisposition to rashes, acne, dermatitis, couperose.
Stone for pitta: pink quartz, amethyst, fluorite, hyaline quartz, white opal, chalcedony, aventurine, sodalite, pearl, emerald, jade, amber.
Kapha: Water-Earth element. Skin appears cold and wet, thick, greasy, with enlarged pores, seborrheic, with microcysts, comedones, edemas.
Kapha stones: red jasper, pomegranate, ruby, tiger eye, tourmaline quartz, citrine.